Thursday, August 21, 2014

Another great question from YA Highway this week -- and funny timing, because just yesterday the four of us were discussing what Hogwarts houses we would have been sorted into. (Lots of Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws over here, for what it's worth...)
Sarah: Panda. :)
Kristan: Of the kung-fu variety, perhaps?
Sarah: Of course.
Kristan: I think mine would either be a dog or a horse. They're both strong, loyal, and beautiful creatures.
Sarah: I definitely think dog for you.
Sarah: Mountain lion for Ingrid, and pegasus for Steph.
Stephanie: Ooh, yes! Pegasus for me!
Ingrid: Hee! This is fun. I agree with panda and dog. For Steph, Pegasus yes or something graceful like a swan. I am not fierce enough for a mountain lion, I don't think! I really loooove sea otters though. They represent primal female energy, joy, and playfulness. :)
And what about you, dear readers? Join the fun by leaving your answer in the comments here, at YA Highway, on your own blog, or on Twitter (and be sure to use the hashtag #roadtripwednesday!).
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I've actually put a LOT of thought into this (Seriously. I think among fellow nerdy book addicts I can totally admit that, haha), but I'm honestly not sure! A cat? An owl? *still pondering*
LOL a lot of thought but you still aren't sure? Hehe, if it's that much of a toss-up, maybe you're a mix? A nocturnal cat with wings! :P
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