Thursday, April 10, 2014

Revising a novel is like renovating a house. Doing both at once is... well, it's like living in the most turbulent moment of your story and having it never end. Fun? Yes. And no.

Yeah, revising. It’s kinda like that.

For those who have traveled this territory, you know there is only one option: put on your mask, pick up your chisel, and get to work. I have read through my novel countless times, making big-picture revisions and smaller-scale tweaks. I found that spending four days getting one scene to be exactly where it needs to be is frustrating but ultimately one of the most satisfying aspects of the whole process.

Anyone else out there working on story renovations? What keeps you motivated on your tough days? What do you think is the most challenging part? And how close are you to unearthing that hidden gem?
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You are so not alone in the trenches. I'm there too. O_o I once heard someone refer to revising like playing a game of Whack-a-Mole, and I really have to agree. For every issue conquered, another few pop up. The thing that keeps me going is breaking it up into little chunks, tackling it bit by bit. I have a tendency to get overwhelmed by it all, so this helps immensely. Best of luck to all of you ladies in the trenches! :-)
That's a great strategy, Jaime. I like making lists of all the different things I need to review/change because it's so satisfying to cross items off it :p Good luck to you as well -- we will get there!
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