Tuesday, February 3, 2015

What is your favorite book you've read in one sitting?

Kristan: Hmm, I can't remember the last book I read in one sitting either. Honestly I think that's more a testament to how fractured our daily lives/attention can be, versus the quality of what I've been reading.
Anyway, the last book I devoured in 1 or 2 days was BLUE LILY, LILY BLUE by Maggie Stiefvater. She sucked me into her world, and I never wanted to leave!
Ingrid: Omigosh, what I would give for the luxury of time to read a whole book in one sitting! I used to do that a lot as a teenager, but the closest thing lately would be when I re-read (or actually, re-skimmed) THE LANGUAGE OF FLOWERS by Vanessa Diffenbaugh a few weeks ago. Love that book!
Stephanie: I have never read a book in one sitting. Not ever. I always think you guys must be crazy, or else superhuman readers, when you say you read something in one sitting, or even in one day. (Hence my reason for wanting to ask this question.)
I think the last book I read in less than 24 hours was Mockingjay.
Can you read a book in one sitting? When was the last time you burned through a book in a day?
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I got up at midnight and downloaded Mockingjay and finished it by the time my family woke up. But I would never say it was my favorite read. I just HAD to read it! I think that was the last time I read a book from start to finish without stopping. I don't usually have those chunks of time available.
Hah, great anecdote! (Kristan did the same thing, although in her case she went to buy the book in a physical store.) Time IS very hard to come by... but some books demand it, you know? ;)
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