Friday, March 7, 2014

In case you didn't know, yesterday March 6 was that special day when all people literary come together to celebrate all things books! Okay, we kinda do that everyday online... but this is different. And super cool. World Book Day was designated by UNESCO 17 years ago as a worldwide celebration of books, authors and reading, and is now celebrated in over 100 countries.
(Note: We had planned to post this on March 6, but Blogger did not cooperate.)
In the UK and Ireland, especially, WBD is a really big deal. More than 14 million children will receive book tokens that they can trade in for specific books or for a discount at bookstores. Schoolkids are encouraged to dress up as their favorite book characters. Folks will gather for all kinds of WBD festivals and fun. The whole idea is to encourage reading and instill a love of literature in today's young'uns.
There's been a whole lot of good stuff going on in the blogoshphere, too. If you're on twitter, check out #worldbookday and you might just disappear down the rabbit hole. So much to read and share!

NOT A DROP TO DRINK by Mindy McGinnis
THE DEMON'S LEXICON by Sarah Rees Brennan
To be eligible for our WHYA World Book Day Giveaway, you must leave a comment on this post answering the following three questions:
1) What was your favorite book when you were a child?
2) If you could be a fairytale character for a day, who would it be?
3) What is your all-time favorite book line OR all-time favorite book?
Bonus: If you include a photo of yourself dressed up like a book character, we'll enter your name twice!
Please leave your comment by next Tuesday, March 11. Be sure to mention which book you'd like to win, if you have a preference. Winners will be announced on Thursday, March 13th.
(US mailing addresses only-- sorry, international friends!)
Happy WBD reading!
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1-I loved Nancy Drew and the Fear Street novels when I was younger, but once Harry Potter entered the scene I was all about that.
2-I think I would like to be Mulan because she is a kick butt warrior but a girl as well.
3- This changes quite often but my favorite book right now is Throne of Glass series!
I would love to win a copy of Not A Drop to Drink thanks for the great giveaway!
1. The Lightning Thief :-)
2. Not really fairytale, but the Wizard of OZ!
3. Favorite book right now is Mila 2.0 by Debra Driza; such a great book!
I hope I win!!! Thanks for the giveaway!
1. I loved 1 fish 2 fish red fish blue tush, my 1 st book!
2. I would want 2 b the blue fairy, grant some wishes
3. My favorite book of all time is The Princess Bride, fantasy & funny, the perfect combination!
I would like a Not A Drop To Drink, although both do seem appealing
1 - I read some great books when I was a kid. The Pain and the Great One by Judy Blume was my all-time favorite, along with The Giving Tree. I also had a soft spot for Superfudge.
2 - Wow, I have no idea. A lot of fairytale characters had pretty bad lives. I think maybe I would want to be Belle from Beauty and the Beast. I totally agree with Bridget above me too. I’d love to be Mulan if I could have Shang. Haha.
3 - I don’t really have any favorite book lines. I don’t really have favorite anythings. I have a bunch of books I love. The Great Gatsby is always the book I mention. Also Pride and Prejudice… and a million YA books. I have trouble choosing. Hah!
1. My favorite book as a child was Chicka Chicka Boom Boom. I loved the catchiness and rhythm of the words!
2.I would want to be the fairy godmother from Cinderella, her magical powers are pretty cool. Plus, with magic like that, I'd be guaranteed a spot in Hogwarts ;)
3.My favorite line is "we are quotation marks, inverted and upside down, clinging to one another at the end of this life sentence." (Ignite Me by Tahereh Mafi).
If I win, I would like Not A Drop to Drink please :)
1. My favorite book when I was a child was definitely the Little Critter book All by Myself!
2. Definitely Cinderella! She's my favorite Disney princess.
3. My all time favorite book is definitely The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey, although all books are great books!
I would love Not a Drop to Drink! Thank you for this awesome giveaway! :)
1. I loved Harriet the Spy! Also loved Christopher Pike books and younger horror books. There was one that stuck with me about a house with attic stairs and a lot of rooms and these kids were trying to escape, but I can't remember the title at all. Another one was about a haunted dollhouse a girl bought from the mall. They were great but I never kept track of books when I was young so I can't remember now, and they both were from the library.
2. Belle from Beauty and the Beast. I'm actually cosplaying as "modern day Belle" at a con next month! She's my favorite.
3. It's so hard to choose, because I love so many, but The Eight by Katherine Neville is a title that always gets mentioned when people ask me this.
I'd love to win Not a Drop to Drink! Thanks for doing this giveaway.
1) I didn't read a lot as a child but I was REALLY into Edgar Allan Poe. I don't remember why.
2) I would be the little mermaid!
3) My all-time favorite book is Of Mice and Men.
I don't mind which book I get if I win! :)
Oh man, you guys reminded us of some great reads from when we were young-- like Harriet the Spy! Loved her! And Megan, Cinderella was always my favorite too :)
Thanks for all the great comments. Giveaway winners will be announced tomorrow (or, today if you're on Eastern time)!
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