Thursday, November 21, 2013

Today the spotlight is on Kristan Hoffman. Why? It's her birthday, which means we get to gush with no limits, no excuse. And that's really important because Kristan Hoffman isn't just your average human. She's the "heart" behind We Heart YA. She's the Gansey to our motley crew with the promise of Glendower in our sights. We simply could not do this writing thing without her. And our reads would be less satisfying without her insight, enthusiasm, and good taste.
Yes, we're saying a good book isn't as good until after you've discussed it with Kristan Hoffman.
Luckily, most of you bloggers out there get a little bit of Kristan whenever our avatar shows up in your comments. We're quite happy to take the credit, but are coming clean to let you know that all of those AWESOME, thoughtful comments on your blog are pretty much Kristan Hoffman in disguise. She cares so much about this brilliant community of readers and writers of YA that she takes the time to read and comment on so many posts. Likewise, on twitter and Tumblr, she's manning our feed like a boss.
Sarah, Ingrid, and Stephanie xx
*cue Beatles music
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Aw - happy birthday Kristan! I agree, she is pretty cool ;-) And she obviously has totally lovely friends to write a post like this.
Aww you guys... This is the sweetest thing to wake up to. "Thanks so much" is kind of inadequate, but I don't know what else to say. I love you guys. <3
Aww, happy birthday Kristan!
Happy birthday Kristan! I love imagining you as Gansey since I love reading about him so much. Hope your birthday in real life is fab!
Happy (belated) Birthday, Kristan!
Thanks, y'all! I really appreciate it. :)
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