Tuesday, August 21, 2012

I have a confession: I haven't been on twitter all that much because my parents have been visiting for the past eight days. I managed to find a few gems, but if there's something major I missed on twitter please let me know!
I caught this hashtag #failedmusicals last night and had to mention it because so many authors were participating:
But #writersroad gets best hashtag this week for being relevant to both readers, reviewers, and writers:
On Writing:
Lola demonstrating her writing soundtrack <3 |
You DO Amuse Us:
In a Category All Her Own:
Important: Have you read TIGER LILY by Jodi Lynn Anderson? (Oh, please do and then we can discuss). You have to CHECK OUT this "fauxto" by The Real Fauxtographer a.k.a. Margot Wood. Seriously, I'm tearing up just looking at it again. It makes me feel all the things, all over again. She's really, really captured the heart of the book in one picture.
Posts by Sarah,
Twitter Tuesday
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I love Twitter Tuesday posts. I don't think I've said that before, but I love having the best of Twitter all nicely recapped.
Haven't read Tiger Lily yet but I shall soon! :)
You guyssss! Thank you so much for blogging about my photo!
You all are so WONDERFUL! I love our teens so much and I'm so happy we're talking to them during #YAWritersAAT! *snugs everyone*
Faves: Christine Johnson, Martha Alderson, VP Chandler, Holly Route, Robin Hall, Angelina Hansen, Mike Mullin, and Leigh Ann Kopans. Thanks for another great round up! (And seriously, this is what you have for us when you “haven't been on twitter much”? Yeah, I think you're doing fine.)
*Holly Root. Darn you, Dragon! :P
I love these posts - they're so fun to read!
@P.E...thank you so much for commenting and letting us know. It makes us happy. :)
@Margot...thank you so much for making awesome photos. We always look forward to them!!
@Leigh Ann...*snugs* back 'atcha. So glad that Jenny did a recap because we missed last week.
@Kristan...LOL...but I might have missed something! Grr, Argh Dragon!
@Erica...thanks so much! xx
I love twitter Tuesday!!! I haven't had a chance to read Tiger Lily yet but I really want to!!!
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