Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Alright...big news around the literary world yesterday were the ALA Youth Media Awards:

Greedy much, John Corey Whaley?!? :) Seriously, how amazing to have your work honored in such a way. Lots of other great books and authors were nominated as well, including Maggie Stiefvater for THE SCORPIO RACES. So many more excellent reads to add to our pile!
When I saw this next tweet, my heart leaped out. Absolutely THE worst thing for a writer. So, I'm telling y'all now...external hard drive...back up your files now...warning, warning...

And, oh man, we feel for you, but it's all good because you have a better beginning:

Sometimes twitter rewards with wisdom:

But mostly it supplies the funny (and it wouldn't be a twitter round-up without the funny):

Definitely going to have to test out this theory:

And now a question for you: What was the last book you brought along with you everywhere?

Twitter Tuesday
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have a heart

crashed computer? oh that poor poor author!
HAHA love the AdviceToWriters post.
Also the checking account one, and the Cory Jackson one. Gotta love that humor. :)
Can't wait to check out some of the books the ALA gave nods to!
@nicole...seriously. and I'm being completely superstitious about it!
@kristan...thanks, mate. what about Big Ben's tweet? I thought it was genius. :)
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